Tuesday, March 11

Fans FREAK OUT Over Justin Bieber And Ed Sheeran Song

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You guys Justin Bieber has RISEN from the ashes of his music hiatus and he brought along his friend Ed Sheeran! It’s a fabulous Friday and fans have ZERO CHILL over their new song “I don’t care.”

Hey everyone it’s Sussan Mourad here with Clevver News… and I don’t care that I too, have lost my cool over this new song, because it is JUST what the Summer ordered!

Last week we told you about the EPIC collab Justin Bieber was teasing with his partner in crime ED Sheeran!

And our next question was… when will we get to hear the beautiful harmonics of Justin Bieber and Ed Sheeran combined… ??

Well lucky for us… Justin eased our minds with a kind of sorta countdown on his Insta!
He started with the number 10 then jumped straight to posting a number 7!

THENNNN earlier this week Justin shared a little snippet of the musical geniuses!

And now the whole thing is officially out and we haven’t stopped dancing.

The song is about their significant others, aka Hailey Baldwin and Cherry Seaborn, help them feel like they fit in.

And while the song is most definitely a bop, we were more excited about the epic fan reactions on Twitter.

They are so extra and we are so here for it.

One posted this video with the caption, “I DONT CARE IS ALREADY #1 IN 60+ COUNTRIES INCLUDING THE US IN LESS THAN 8 HOURS. Beliebers:”

Another shared this series of emoji-filled crying images with the lyrics, “CUZ I DONT CARE WHEN I’M WITH MY BABY YEAH ALL THE BAD THINGS DISAPPEAR AND YOU’RE MAKING ME FEEL LIKE MAYBE I AM SOMEBODY.”

And my personal favorite, is the most extra of course. They wrote quote, “Justin Bieber and Ed Sheeran after breaking the charts with the new collab #IDontCare.”

Alright guys, it’s time to hear from you! What do you think of the new song? Do you think we’ll be getting a whole album of new music from Justin?

Let us know all your thoughts in the comment section below and hit me up on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube @Sussan_Mourad. After that click right over here to watch another new video and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and click that bell to get notified whenever we post. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you soon.

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