Thursday, March 13

Federal ruling on skirts could put charter schools at grave risk | New York Post

A federal court just handed the Biden administration — and everyone else who stands in the way of fixing our broken public-education system — a brand new weapon.

The 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled North Carolina’s Charter Day School’s skirt requirement for female students unconstitutional, because as a “state actor,” the school can’t have gender-based dress codes as they allegedly violate equal-protection laws.

This decision goes far beyond dress codes. Whether the 4th Circuit was motivated by politics we don’t know. But there’s no doubt those applauding the ruling are doing so for nakedly partisan reasons.

Why? That “state actor” finding is key. If the ruling stands, it could mean, in effect, the end of charters as they exist. It provides a legal rationale for them to be brought under the thumb of state and city educrats nationwide who are eager to handcuff charters for daring to bring educational options to students failed by traditional public schools.

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