Tuesday, March 25

Film Theory: Encanto, The Madrigal Family SECRET!

Film Theory: Encanto, The Madrigal Family SECRET!

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By the end of Encanto, we see Dolores united with her prince charming – or at least that is what it seems like from the outside. Theorists, when watching Encanto for the 100th time, my mind started thinking a little too hard about the whole Madrigal family and their magical, secluded town. Let’s just say MAYBE they should hold off on the wedding for a while…

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Writers: Matthew Patrick and Zach Stewart
Editors: Forrest Lee and Danial “BanditRants” Keristoufi
Assistant Editor: Caitie Turner (viridianrosette)
Sound Editor: Yosi Berman

#Encanto #Disney #Mirabel #Dolores #Bruno #EncantoSongs #WeDontTalkAboutBruno #EncantoTheory #DisneyTheory #Theory #FilmTheory #Matpat #Trailer

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