Friday, March 14

Florida resident tells ‘woke’ New Yorkers to head back north in scathing letter | New York Post

An angry Floridian has a message for their snowbird neighbors: If you’re woke, go back to New York.

A number of cars with New York license plates parked on Palm Beach streets received notices on their windows over the weekend urging them to leave if they lean left politically, police said.

“If you are one of those ‘woke’ people — leave Florida. You will be happier elsewhere, as will we,” reads the missive, typed in all capital letters.

The threatening letters were found on cars parked along Sunrise Avenue, Bradley Place and Seaview Avenue in the ritzy seaside enclave about an hour north of Fort Lauderdale that’s long been a beloved locale for New Yorkers who head south for the winter.

#Florida #NewYork #Woke

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