Tuesday, March 4

Fury after hit-and-run driver Daniel Campbell gets 90 days in jail for killing NYU student | NY Post

A hit-and-run driver was sentenced Thursday to just 90 days behind bars for mowing down and killing an entering freshman at NYU in the Hamptons — leaving his family livid at the light sentence.

Daniel Campbell, 20, pleaded guilty Aug. 5 to leaving the scene of the accident that killed Devesh Samtani, an 18-year-old from Hong Kong who was walking from a party in Amagansett in August 2021, WNBC reported.

The victim was killed shortly before he planned to enroll at New York University.

Read more at https://nypost.com/2022/11/04/hit-and-run-driver-gets-90-days-in-jail-for-killing-nyu-student/

#hitandrun #nyu #danielcampbell #deveshsamtani #hamptons

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