Tuesday, March 25

Game Theory: The Kindergarten Family Secret (Kindergarten 2)

Game Theory: The Kindergarten Family Secret (Kindergarten 2)

Special thanks to The Dollar Shave Club for partnering with us!   
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I have SO much fun with Kindergarten and, since playing Kindergarten 2, I’ve wanted to do another theory on it. Today Theorists, we are diving into to one of the biggest unsolved secrets of this game – a FAMILY secret! Does our dear friend the Janitor have a secret child? One that may even be a part of our class? Pencils down, Theorists! I’ve got your answer!
SUBSCRIBE for Every Theory! ►► http://bit.ly/1qV8fd6  
Hang out with us on GTLive! ► http://bit.ly/1LkSBnz

#Kindergarten #Kindergarten2 #FamilySecret #Nugget #Secret #Mystery #Janitor #Buggs #DumpsterHag #GameTheory

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Writers: Stephanie Patrick
Editors: Tyler Mascola, Dan “Cybert” Seibert, and 
Assistant Editor: AlyssaBeCrazy
Sound Editor: Yosi Berman

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