Tuesday, March 4

General election: Corbyn says Tory UK-US trade deal would be ‘Thatcherism on steroids’ for Britain – live news

General election: Corbyn says Tory UK-US trade deal would be ‘Thatcherism on steroids’ for Britain – live news

Rolling coverage of the 2019 general election campaign, including Jeremy Corbyn’s speech on Brexit and the Liberal Democrat launch

Q: You quoted a figure for a trade deal costing the NHS £500m a week that is based on a crude assumption about all drug prices being the same as in the US. Isn’t this misleading?

Corbyn says he believes this to be an accurate and credible figure. He would not be using it otherwise. And he says he is happy for people to analyse it, and to tell him if he is understating the case.

Corbyn is now taking questions.

Q: You had some fun talking about Boris Johnson’s deadline. But you say you can get Brexit done by 13 June. Is that a fixed deadline for you? Or could you go beyond that, if the talks take longer or the referendum legislation takes longer?

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