Saturday, March 15

George Floyd died of asphyxia: family medical examiner’s autopsy | New York Post

George Floyd died of asphyxia: family medical examiner’s autopsy | New York Post

George Floyd was killed by “asphyxia due to neck and back compression,” according to an independent medical examiner’s report released Monday.

The report, by former New York City ME Michael Baden and Dr. Allecia Wilson, was released several hours before the county medical examiner overseeing the case in Minnesota ruled Floyd’s death a homicide, citing “neck compression” as a cause.

The experts for Floyd’s family found that “sustained pressure on the right side of Mr. Floyd’s carotid artery impeded blood flow to the brain, and weight on his back impeded his ability to breathe,” according to a statement put out by the kin’s lawyers.

Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died in Minneapolis on May 25 after having his neck knelt on by a white Minnesota cop for 9 minutes, even as he cried, “I can’t breathe.” Two other officers also appear to have knelt on his back during the horrific encounter, which was caught on videotape.


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