Sunday, March 30

George Santos allegedly stole $3K in donations for veteran’s dying service dog: report | NY Post

George Santos allegedly stole $3K in donations for veteran’s dying service dog: report | NY Post

Disgraced Rep. George Santos allegedly conned a disabled, homeless veteran out of thousands of dollars donated to save the man’s dying service dog, according to a stomach-turning report.

The alleged account adds to Santos’ growing list of shady behavior — from a largely forged resume to fabricated Jewish heritage — which has entangled the freshman congressman since he was elected to represent parts of Long Island and Queens.

The veteran, Richard Osthoff, told the local news site Patch that he met Santos, who introduced himself as Anthony Devolder, during a tough time in his life in May 2016.

Osthoff, who was honorably discharged from the Navy in 2002, was living in a tent on the side of Route 9 in Howell, New Jersey, with his beloved service dog Sapphire at the time, Patch reported.


#georgesantos #richardosthoff #dogs #politics

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