Sunday, March 30

Ghislaine Maxwell judge to grill embattled juror under oath | New York Post

The juror at the center of the Ghislaine Maxwell conviction chaos will be grilled by a Manhattan judge Tuesday.

The panelist, identified by his first and middle names, Scotty David, spurred a retrial request from Maxwell’s attorneys after giving a number of interviews to press outlets following the disgraced socialite’s conviction in December.

In his statements to the press, David revealed that he was a victim of childhood sexual abuse – and that he shared his experiences during jury deliberations to help convince fellow jurors to convict Maxwell.

During the jury selection process, prospective panelists were asked in questionnaires if they had been accused of, or the victims of, sexual abuse or harassment.

#GhislaineMaxwell #JeffreyEpstein #SexualAbuse

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