Sunday, February 23

Gigantic Sphinx Moth squirts all over owner as it hatches from its chrysalis

Close-up footage shows a giant sphinx moth emerging from its chrysalis and spraying fluid everywhere.

The filmer, Madison Shaw from Los Angeles, documents her other pet moths, including the emergence of a luna moth from its carefully spun silk cocoon, and the curly proboscis of a moth named Silly Straw – who only lived for a week.

Madison told Newsflare: “On a whim, I decided I wanted to raise hornworms – a common feeder insect and pest to tomato gardens – to adulthood, where they emerge as giant sphinx moths.

“Upon emerging, moths commonly expel excess fluid that they use to “inflate” their wings. As their abdomens are full of the stuff and they tend to have more than they need.

“I captured many of their emergences on video, but the emergence of my largest moth, shown in the first clip, was the most messy. This little lady had so much more in her than I was expecting, and as a result, sprayed the fluid all over myself, my desk, and the rest of my room.

“It’s a rare and unusual capture, and I still don’t know why she had so much of that fluid in her! She ended up living the longest of all my moths and laid hundreds of fertile eggs before passing away.”

Madison documents her unusual pets on TikTok (@mtfoxx3).

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