Tuesday, March 4

Hailey Bieber THREATENS Plastic Surgeon Over False Accusations!

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#HaileyBieber #JustinBieber #DrDanielBarrett

Hailey Bieber is standing her ground that she did not get any plastic surgery, so much so that she and her husband Justin Bieber are threatening to sue the doctor who said that she’s had some work done on her face.

What’s up y’all? It’s Emile Ennis Jr. here with Clevver News and in case you missed it, there’s an ongoing debate about Hailey Bieber’s face. She says her features are 100% natural, while a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon is claiming otherwise.

Over the weekend, a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon named Dr. Daniel Barrett started blowing up on TikTok after posting a video about Hailey captioned with Justin’s song lyrics, “Is it too late now to say sorry…”

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