Thursday, March 13

Hang glider pilot descending Italian mountain looks like a video game | Extreme Sports 2020

Professional hang glider pilot Wolfgang Siess from Tirol, Austria, has used a special camera to document his eight-minute descent from approximately 1,400 metres atop Monte Zoncoloan in northern Italy.

Footage shows Siess take off from the top of the mountain on his speed run, where he weaves in and out of hillsides and trees.

If the immediate terrain wasn’t enough of a challenge, Siess dodges cablecars that run across the hillsides.

Despite the terrifying nature of the descent, Siess makes his way down safely, while experiencing breathtaking scenery around Monte Zoncolan.

Siess told Newsflare: “This run is so long, eight minutes from top to bottom.

“When you fly full speed and the terrain is just perfect for speed flying [there are] so many spots were you can get nice and low!

“Flying is basically first nature for me, there is nothing that makes me happier than flying a hang glider!

“I love the mountains and amazing views, on the right day you can see the ocean and the dolomites with one 360 turn.

“[It took] years and years of training, this is the most dangerous form of hang gliding, I’m flying now for over 20 years.”

The footage was captured on July 29, 2019.

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