Monday, March 31

Harry Styles AWKWARDLY Responds To Kendall Jenner Questions!

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This week Harry Styles did a guest spot on The Ellen Degeneres Show and when he was asked about his friendship with his ex-girlfriend Kendall Jenner, his response was SUPER awkward.

What’s up? It’s Sussan Mourad here with Clevver News and we all remember the days when we thought we had a chance with Harry Styles.

It was simpler time, before he dated Taylor Swift and Kendall Jenner, you know, just two of the most famous women in the world.

But what’s interesting about Harry is that while he’s gone out with some of the biggest celebs, he’s pretty private about his dating life.

So in case you are just sitting here wondering what the heck went on between Harry and Kendall in 2013/2014 and then again in 2015/2016 and where they are at now, well we kinda sorta just got some answers.

On the latest episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Ellen tried to pry a little bit about Harry and Kendall’s current relationship status.

When she asked about their recent appearance together on The Late Late Show, Harry candidly mentioned their friendship. And in case you missed it, Harry brought his rumored on again, off again girlfriend Kendall onto the show to play a little game of “fill your guts or spill your guts”

It started off pretty strong, with Kendall ranking her siblings’ parenting skills from best to worst.

But when she asked Harry what songs on his last album were about her, he didn’t spill his guts, he filled them.

Harry actually ate the cod sperm to dodge the question.

But on Ellen, he was a little more candid about where they are at. He said quote, “Yeah, we’ve been friends for a while now for several years.”

But that’s when things got awkward. When Ellen clearly tried to get more info out of him, Harry wouldn’t budge. He kind of just awkwardly stammered.

Did you see the tea sip… that’s a clear sign to say “I’m done talking now… fill my mouth up so I can’t say anymore.”

But we all know that Ellen isn’t one to back down!

She went back for more when she asked Harry if his new album, Fine Line, is about one of his past relationships. Ellen said that some people are saying that the album is all about a break up.

But then Harry actually went on to explain his new music.

He said quote, “I think I definitely write from a personal experience. I think a lot of people do. I think if you want your songs to be honest and connect with people, it’s usually from writing honestly.”

Harry then went on to explain how it was about what he was experiencing when he wrote it.

He said quote, “So yeah, it’s definitely about, I guess, what I was going through at the time. And that’s both good and bad. I think the thing with this album for me is while I was making it, the times when I was kind of sad were probably like some of the saddest times in my life, but then at the same time, the times when I was happy were some of the best times I’ve ever had in my life. It’s both, it’s a fine line.”

Which is the name of the album, so we see you Harry!
And that all totally makes sense having heard the whole album. It’s definitely one of my favorites of the year.

Obviously Ellen wasn’t the only stop on Harry’s press tour to promote his new album. He also stopped by BBC 1’s Radio Live Lounge where he performed some of his new tracks as well as some covers.

My personal favorite moment of this performance was when he covered Juice by Lizzo.
And as if I couldn’t POSSIBLY love Harry Styles more… he continued to speak very highly of Lizzo during his interview.

He said quote, “I just think she’s amazing; she’s one of the most exciting artists working now for sure. She’s exactly what you want an artist to be, which is themselves.”

Lizzo obviously shared this moment on Twitter appropriately writing “Melts” with head exploding and heart emojis.

Which is probably exactly how I would react if Harry complimented me and covered my music.

Actually, nevermind, Lizzo played it off way cooler than I would.

But I want to know what you guys think about all of this.

Do you think we could be getting a Lizzo/Harry Styles collab in 2020? Please manifest it with me even if you don’t.
Also, what did you think of his answers about Kendall to Ellen? Pretty awkward or very normal?

Let me know what you think down in the comments section.

And then click that subscribe button because you’ll want to be the first to know if and when Harry and Kendall become official – again. Then click the bell so you don’t miss a thing and you can click over here for some more entertainment news.

I’m Sussan Mourad and I’ll see you later!

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