Tuesday, March 4

Harvey Weinstein pulled ‘Good Will Hunting’ from theaters to cut Williams’ paycheck | New York Post

Harvey Weinstein pulled ‘Good Will Hunting’ from theaters to cut Williams' paycheck | New York Post

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck‘s smash feature film “Good Will Hunting” is proof that a small project can turn out big results.

The 1997 Gus Van Saint drama earned over $225 million at the box office and won two Oscars.

However, there seemed to have been some drama that erupted after filming wrapped.

“Mallrats” filmmaker (and “Good Will Hunting” executive producer) Kevin Smith claims that disgraced Miramax founder Harvey Weinstein wanted to pull the indie film from theater screens early in an attempt to mess with star Robin Williams’ career.

In Smith’s new book, “Kevin Smith’s Secret Stash,” the 51-year-old revealed that Williams had a back-end deal that said if the drama grossed over $100 million, Williams would cash in a larger portion of the profits and split that money with Miramax. In an interview with the Daily Beast, the director said he’s “not sure if it was a 50/50 split.”

#GoodWillHunting #RobinWilliams #HarveyWeinstein

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