Saturday, March 15

Highland Park shooting suspect Robert Crimo’s mugshot released | New York Post

Highland Park shooting suspect Robert Crimo’s mugshot released | New York Post

The suspect charged with killing seven people and injuring dozens of others at the Highland Park Fourth of July parade cracked a tight smile in his mugshot, which was released Wednesday morning.

Robert “Bobby” Crimo III, 21, is shown looking up at the camera with shaggy, shoulder-length dark hair and sideswept bangs, his tattoos visible on his face and neck, in the snap released by the Lake County Major Crime Task Force in Illinois.

He appears to be in dark clothing.

The Highland Park native is facing seven murder charges after he allegedly climbed to a rooftop Monday morning and used a “high-powered” rifle to squeeze off more than 70 rounds at the revelers below just as the annual parade was kicking off in the wealthy suburb outside Chicago.

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