Wednesday, January 22

Hunter accidentally shot dead by his own dog in freak accident | New York Post

Hunter accidentally shot dead by his own dog in freak accident | New York Post

A new dad tragically died after he was accidentally shot by his own dog during a hunting excursion in Turkey over Thanksgiving weekend.

The freak accident occurred while Ozgur Gevrekoglu, 32, was pursuing game with his pals on the Kizlan Plateau in Samsun Province last weekend, Newsflash reported.

While the expedition went off without a hitch, disaster struck while the hunter was packing up to leave.

Gevrekoglu was reportedly putting his pet dog in the trunk of the car, when its paw inadvertently touched the trigger of the still-loaded shotgun, causing the weapon to discharge into the sportsman at close range.


#turkey #hunting #accident

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