Friday, March 28

I Drank a Glass of Wine Every Day, See What Happened to Me

Studies have shown that drinking a glass of wine every day is incredibly beneficial for your system: it removes toxins from your body and improves your brain function. We decided to find out whether these statements are true by having one glass of wine a day for a whole month.
The experiment started out great: I felt super sophisticated having my evening wine in front of the TV. But on Day 3, the alcohol started messing with my sleep cycle. I started craving water during these little bedtime disruptions. In fact, this crazy nighttime thirst became so frequent that I would keep a glass of water on my night stand.
One of the best things that happened during the experiment was a change in how I “partied” with my friends. I would invite people over for a glass of wine, and those who were game, showed up.
In the middle of Week 2 of the experiment, my appearance had changed. Unfortunately, it wasn’t for the better. A weight gain and dark circle under my eyes and breakouts – it wasn’t something I wanted to get. I checked my blood pressure every day, and I can say with confidence that alcohol didn’t change a thing in that respect. My health was perfectly fine. But by the end of the experiment, I started having trouble concentrating, and I felt weak and tired most of the time.
For one, drinking at home from time to time definitely has its perks. Getting rid of unnecessary get-togethers is also a big reward from this experiment. It helped me figure out who I want to spend my time with and who I don’t mind seeing less often. Plus, I got so interested in the whole culture of drinking wine and eating cheese. On the downside, I can’t agree with scientists on this one. In my opinion, drinking wine on a daily basis does no good for your health, even if it’s just one glass.

Quincas Moreira – Bluesed and Abused
Otis McDonald – Side Steppin
Rondo Brothers – Yellow Rose of Berkeley
Quincas Moreira – Josefina

The idea of the experiment 0:32
The first days 1:15
Crisis of conscious 2:15
New partying habits 2:53
The effect on appearance and health 3:27
Conclusion 4:11

-Researchers and doctors say that dry red wine is the best one for our system. I decided to see if it’s true for myself.
-I felt great at first, but started having trouble sleeping on Day 3.
-After a couple of days, I started having a crisis of conscious. I felt like I was doing something wrong by drinking every single day.
-Spending evenings in my cozy home was definitely a nice bonus for me. I was only hanging out only with people I found truly interesting, or my closest friends.
-In the middle of Week 2, I noticed a weight gain, dark circles under my eyes and breakouts. By the end of the experiment, I started having trouble concentrating, and I felt weak and tired most of the time.
-Drinking at home is cheaper than going to the bar every week, and you can just relax whenever you want. However, drinking wine on a daily basis does no good for your health, even if it’s just one glass.

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