Sunday, March 16

I flirted with a hottie on my plane — he completely shocked me

I flirted with a hottie on my plane — he completely shocked me

A bold plane passenger has gone viral on TikTok after revealing she put her phone number on a napkin and handed it to a “cute” fellow flier on board a recent ride — before he sparked up conversation.

The flirty flier, known only as Natalie, made users swoon as she relayed the romantic tale in a clip that has clocked up more than 2.9 million views in 24 hours.

The viral video shows the San Diego native sitting on board a Southwest flight after noticing the hunky man sitting in the row ahead of her.

“Really cute guy sitting in front of me on my flight,” Natalie captioned. “Decided to shoot my shot.”


#travel #southewestairlines #dating #lifestyle

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