Tuesday, March 18

‘I hibernated’: Biden makes apparent joke while discussing wind power in New Mexico

President Biden unexpectedly told an audience in New Mexico Wednesday that he has “hibernated” in the past, an apparent joke that resurrected memories of former President Donald Trump bestowing the unflattering nickname during the 2020 election campaign.

“Siemens Corporation laid off workers who were making wind turbine parts and put the plant in Iowa and Kansas into what they now call, they refer to as ‘hibernation’,” Biden said at a wind-tower plant in Albuquerque.

“I hibernated in a while — all, you know, in Iowa for a while,” he said to a smattering of chuckles.

“But look, now we’re reopening both these plants and rehiring workers.”

Read more at https://nypost.com/2023/08/09/i-hibernated-biden-tells-new-mexico-audience/

#joebiden #newmexico

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