Sunday, March 16

Inside Louis Bacon’s mysterious $500M private island in the Hamptons | New York Post

You’ve probably never heard of Robins Island, a teardrop-shaped islet half the size of Central Park in the Great Peconic Bay on the East End of Long Island. But it may very well be the most valuable private estate in all of the Hamptons — and the most untouchable.

Sandwiched midway between the North and South forks, Robins Island is roughly 435 acres with miles and miles of waterfront.

For comparison, a 42-acre compound, less than one-tenth the size of Robins Island, with far less waterfront, sold in Southampton this spring for close to $145 million.

“If it were just raw land, I’d guess Robins Island would be worth about a $100 million,” Corcoran’s Susan Breitenbach guessed, noting that she has never visited the island. “But depending on what’s out there in terms of infrastructure, it might be worth from $200 million to $500 million.”

#LouisBacon #Hamptons #NewYorkPost

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