Monday, March 17

Irate drivers ram into climate protesters blocking traffic, drag them hundreds of feet down highway

Irate drivers ram into climate protesters blocking traffic, drag them hundreds of feet down highway

Radical climate protesters in Munich, Germany, who were blocking a street in a staged protest, were then dragged forward by a vehicle after they refused to move from incoming traffic, according to a video the environmental group posted on X.

A video posted on Monday showed a car refusing to pause amid the protesters blocking the road.

As the protesters approached to block the car, it slowly lurched forward.

The climate protesters were dragged hundreds of feet into the roadway by the car.

“We are all part of the last generation who still has the chance to stop the complete ecological collapse of Earth, regardless of whether we want it or not,” the Letzte Generation said. “We come together and offer resolute non-violent resistance to the fossil-fuel madness happening in our present. We are society’s will to survive! We still have two to three years in which we can divert from the path of the fossil-fueled annihilation.”


#germany #climate #protesters #cars #munich

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