Friday, March 28

Israel-hating ex-DSA staffer in NYC was jailed for soliciting threesome from a minor

An ex-staffer to Queens Assemblyman Zohran Mamdani and Councilwoman Tiffany Cabán served three months in jail for soliciting sex from a minor, public records show. NY Post Political reporter Jon Levine shares this story.

Matthew Thomas, a one-time official of the Queens branch of the Democrat Socialists of America, who remains a card-carrying member of the left-wing group, was busted in 2014 after soliciting a 16-year-old boy for a gay-sex threesome with Daniel Simmons, a former Deputy Attorney General in Delaware, according to local press reports at the time.

Simmons, 35, was a top deputy to Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, President Biden’s son and one-time political heir who died of brain cancer in 2015.

Simmons resigned his post after being hit with rape charges.

Thomas, 32, was charged with two counts of sexual solicitation of a child and conspiracy but managed to escape rape charges because Delaware law permits sex with 16-year-olds if you are under the age of 30, Delaware Online reported.


#matthewthomas #zohranmamdani #politics #nyc

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