Monday, March 17

Jameela Jamil & VS Model Sara Sampaio Go To WAR On Twitter!

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Jameela Jamil and Victoria’s Secret model, Sara Sampaio, are fighting on Twitter and their complex conversation is actually super important and deserves to be discussed.

What’s up guys? Welcome back to Clevver News, I’m your host Sussan Mourad and aside from being my favorite character on The Good Place, Jameela Jamil also runs an Instagram account called iWeigh.

On this account and her personal account she has been outspoken about the problematic parts of celebrity and influencer culture, especially when it comes to unrealistic beauty standards.

In specific, Jameela and the Kardashians have had a long standing difference in views on body positivity.

She’s come after them for promoting questionable appetite suppressants, meal replacements, and flat tummy teas on social media.

And over the past couple years, the beef has persisted. The Kardashians post controversially and Jameela responds firmly.

Like this post for example where Kim posted an appetite suppressing lollipop and Jameela tweeted saying quote, “No. No. You terrible and toxic influence on young girls. I admire their mother’s branding capabilities, she is an exploitative but innovative genius, however this family makes me feel actual despair over what women are reduced to. ☹️”

She followed up with another tweet that said quote, “MAYBE don’t take appetite suppressors and eat enough to fuel your BRAIN and work hard and be successful. And to play with your kids. And to have fun with your friends. And to have something to say about your life at the end, other than “I had a flat stomach.” ?”

In a New York Times article, Kim defended her family’s endorsements. She said quote, “If there is work that is really easy that doesn’t take away from our kids, that’s like a huge priority, if someone was faced with the same job opportunities, I think they would maybe consider. You’re going to get backlash for almost everything so as long as you like it or believe in it or it’s worth it financially, whatever your decision may be, as long as you’re O.K. with that.”

So its clear they don’t see eye to eye on some of these issues. So to say it’s been controversial would be an understatement. But while Jameela started her body positivity crusade by addressing the behavior of the Kardashians, she’s hardly stopped there.

Just yesterday Jameela got into a Twitter tiff with model Sara Sampaio over a body positivity comment.

Jameela tweeted celebrating this amazingly fun looking runway. She said quote, “Oh my god ??? this looks like the most fun, and not a long-starved terrified teenager in sight. Beautiful.”

And Sara had an issue with Jameela’s comment about quote “long-starved terrified teenagers.”

Sara clapped back on Twitter and said quote, “How about celebrating someone without bringing other people down? Calling runway models “long-starved terrified teenager” is extremely offensive. From someone that is always preaching for body positivity this just screams hypocrisy.”

Jameela responded with a fair point and said quote, “I didn’t say all models in my tweet so try to calm down. But I will say there is a *vast* majority issue with young girls starving themselves, and using drugs and cocaine to control their weight, to meet the very small sample sizes. If you don’t see that, then you are in a bubble”

She continued on and said quote, “I also don’t preach “body positivity.” I talk about moving away from all talk of body, in order to combat our current pervasive issue of eating disorder culture, which is in NO small way perpetuated by the extreme thinness demanded of girls by the high fashion powers that be.”

But Sara didn’t back down. She said quote, “You didn’t say all models, sure, but you still chose to attack girls just so you can celebrate others. Eating disorders, drugs and cocaine use aren’t a exclusive problem of models, it’s a huge problem is society as a whole. And when you talk like you know for sure majority of … have eating disorders and drug problems, when that’s not the case. And about modeling I can for sure talk with more certainty than you. Sure that happens but it’s for sure not a vast majority. The point of my tweet though, wasn’t that one! And you know!”

But I’d love to know what you guys think of all of this. Do you agree with Jameela that the modeling industry promotes unhealthy body image? Or do you agree with Sara that Jameela was putting models down with her tweet?

After that, be sure to hit that subscribe button and click that bell so you don’t miss any of our new stories. Then click right over here for more entertainment news. Thanks for hanging out with me here on Clevver News, I’m Sussan Mourad and have a great day.

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