Tuesday, March 18

Jennifer Lawrence Sparks Marriage Rumors After Courthouse Trip!

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Jennifer Lawrence may have OFFICIALLY TIED THE KNOT!

Hey everyone, it’s Emile Ennis Jr. with Clevver News and a congrats may be in order for Jennifer Lawrence.

She was recently spotted leaving a courthouse with beau Cooke Maroney and if we know anything, that may signify some serious wedding bells or at least court documents binding them together for ever and ever!

Okay, we know how marriages go in Hollywood, BUT we can only hope that this marriage lasts a lifetime!

We could chalk this up to just gossip, BUT an eye witness was there for the rumored nuptials. In a now deleted tweet from a source/luckiest person alive they shared their first hand experience of the J-Law secret wedding.

The source tweeted and then deleted, “When you go get your marriage license and Jennifer Lawrence walks by to tie the knot before your eyes. Yeah, kids, City Hall is COOL. The place to go!”

Pictures were also captured from the super private affair from Page Six, but E News can’t confirm if the two are actually married or what they were even doing at the courthouse.

Maybe J-Law had some legal affairs to tend to…like getting married.

Jennifer and Cooke have been dating since the summer of 2018, that’s what we’ve been told in the headlines. The couple has been super low-key to the point where not much is known about them besides they are really adorable.

They even kept their engagement private for a little bit, but thanks to Jen wearing a LARGE diamond on that finger, fans figured it out.

Reps confirmed the engagement news in February.

Their love story begins much earlier than that though. The two are rumored to have met back in 2014 through a mutual friend, Laura Simpson. Nothing romantic happened at first, but obviously destiny was at play.

Since then, the couples love affair has been private, except for the occasional pap pic that makes us believe in love again.
It’s honestly no shock that Jen would marry in a private ceremony. Even her engagement party in May was rumored to be super intimate.

It’s her day though, let the girl celebrate however she wants.

Jen hasn’t always been this heart eye emoji in love though.

While she’s never mentioned Cooke during press tours or interviews, she’s been open in the past about her other relationships, and the heartache that came with each break-up.

During a visit to Marc Maron’s podcast JLaw said, “Every time I go through a breakup, it’s not like my heart isn’t broken. They just never did anything to like, devastate me. They were just good people. Maybe that’s also the secret. I’m attracted to good people.”

She’s been famously tied to Chris Martin, Nicholas Hoult and Darren Aronofsky.

No bad blood between these ex’s though.

Jennifer has stated she’s still friends with all of them, especially Nicholas, who she starred with in the X-Men films.

It also seems like Cooke really changed her perspective on relationships in general as Jen wasn’t super positive about her love life future.

She told Nightline quote, “I don’t know if I ever will get married and I’m OK with that. I don’t feel that I need anything to complete me. I love meeting people—men, women, whatever; I love people coming into your life and bringing something.”

She has stated before though that marriage wasn’t completely off the table for her, and in fact, if she found that special someone, she wouldn’t mess it up.

When talking to Vogue about her future hubby she said, “I feel like if I find that one person who I want to spend the rest of my life with, who I want to be the father of my children, that I would absolutely not f–k it up.”

Well looks like Jen finally found her person.

Fans are also super excited for the actress. I mean, It is J-Law one of the most likeable stars out there, it’s hard NOT to be happy for her.

So two ICONIC roles are coming our way.

Other roles set for Jen are “Burial Rites” “Mob Girl” and two more untitiled projects.

So safe to say, she’s about to be SUPER busy.

If this wedding news is true, then a HUGE congratulations to the happy couple. And if not, still congrats on finding love. We can’t wait to see the pics!

What do you think of the J-Law news? Is Jennifer married? Can we finally believe in soulmates and love again? Or should we get the tub of ice cream ready for the eventual Hollywood heartbreak? Will they have another public wedding or was this it for the couple? Let’s chat about it in the comments below!

While you’re there, don’t forget to ring the bell, or wedding bell in this case, and subscribe so you never miss any of the latest gossip in Hollywood!

Thanks for hanging out with me! I’m Emile Ennis Jr. with Clevver News and I’ll see you next time!

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