Friday, March 14

Jojo Siwa Is The Inspo Behind Miley Cyrus’ Black Mirror Episode?!?

Jojo Siwa Is The Inspo Behind Miley Cyrus' Black Mirror Episode?!?

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The 5th season of Netflix’ highly-anticipated series Black Mirror dropped just yesterday, and fans are deeply concerned over similarities between one episode and the life of Jojo Siwa…

What’s up guys, it’s your host Sussan Mourad back here on Clevver News, and you know when you’re watching an episode of Black Mirror, and you’re like “dang, that might actually happen in 30 years from now?” and you start tripping out and it’s kinda creepy, but then you just go on with your day like you didn’t potentially just witness your future flashing before your eyes?

Okaaayy, so that was probably a lot for those of you who’ve never even seen one episode of Black Mirror, but if there’s one episode you gotta tune into, it’s the one everyone’s talking about, starring Miley Cyrus, which tells the story of a tortured popstar being used to generate millions by selling merch that’s supposed to make you feel like “the best possible version of yourself”… all while sporting another chick’s face on it.

Annnnnd in comes the Jojo Siwa theory. Fans who’ve already tuned into the episode noticed a shocking similarity between Miley’s character, Ashley O., and Jojo, as they were left with feeling less of a statement about fame and fandoms, and more of a warning about being brainwashed by “positivity,” especially after her appearance on Jimmy Fallon earlier this year:

Although some believed Miley to have been portraying her claim to fame, Hannah Montana, the collective bunch of Internet-goers is certain this episode is undoubtedly a frame of Jojo. But if you’re sticking to your Hannah guts, let’s look at the receipts now, shall we? For one, Jojo is constantly preaching positivity to her fans, like how they can become strong, confident, powerful, “BUT SPEND $15 ON A GLITTER BOW and you’ll feel like a queen!”

Interestingly enough, this is also exactly what happens to Rachel, the girl whose only friend is an Alexa-like companion named ‘Ashley Too’… hmmm, the plot thickens. Ashley O. is essentially a cult leader disguised as a glittery popstar, whose lyrics are all about going after your dreams and loving yourself. In the Fallon interview, Jojo also rattles off her lengthy list of products plastered with her face on them, just as Ashley Too does in Black Mirror.

On the contrary, fans have come to defend the episode of being a depiction of Hannah Montana. Reasons being, you may have considered dressing like Hannah or wanting to sport a blonde wig from time to time (no? Just me?), but the level of similarities to Jojo are unmatched. Also, Ashley O. was not a fictional character portrayed by a popstar; she was a real human, just like Jojo.

What’s even more sketchy is that fans seem to have called this even before the episode was teased.

Back in January, one Twitter user threw it out into the universe, saying QUOTE, “Jojo Siwa’s entire life, but it’s an episode of Black Mirror.”

And after the season was released, many took to Twitter to express genuine concern, like Emilia, who wrote, “I’m kinda worried about Jojo Siwa after that episode of Black Mirror.” Yeaaah, you and me both, sister!

More and more opinions are being shared via Twitter about the similarities of the episode to Jojo’s life.

BUUUTT … I’m a little creeped out at the moment, so I think it’s time to turn it over to you guys — if you’ve tuned into the episode, do you think it’s framed after Jojo’s life? And if you haven’t, hit that pause button, watch the ep, and come right back here to share your thoughts in the comments. After that, be sure to hit that subscribe button right there you guys, and hit the bell to get notified everytime we post!

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