Sunday, March 16

Jury awards 8-year-old girl $800K after she got 2nd-degree burns from McDonald’s chicken nugget

Jury awards 8-year-old girl $800K after she got 2nd-degree burns from McDonald’s chicken nugget

A Florida jury awarded an 8-year-old girl $800,000 in damages after the child suffered second-degree burns from a McDonald’s chicken nugget four years ago, according to a local report.

In May, a separate jury found the fast food giant and a franchise holder at fault for the scalding hot nugget that burned the leg of little Olivia Caraballo, then 4, after she opened a Happy Meal in the car.

After just two hours of deliberation Wednesday, the Broward Country grand jury decided on the dollar amount — which is significantly lower than the $15 million the girl’s family had asked for in their lawsuit, NBC6 South Florida reported.


#mcdonalds #jury #news

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