Friday, March 7

Justin Timberlake Feels GUILTY About Hand-Holding With Co-Star!

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Justin Timberlake is REALLY regretting his late-night-under-the-influence choices made over the weekend! What’s up guys it’s Sussan Mourad here with Clevver News and like we told you yesterday Justin Timberlake was caught getting handsy with another woman this past weekend. Justin has been married to Jessica Biel since 2012. Now, I know what Hollywood sweetheart Jessica Biel looks like, and it is CERTAINLY not her in those photos of Justin on a balcony in New Orleans. In fact, it’s his costar for his upcoming movie “Palmer”, which is currently filming and follows the story of an ex-convict who becomes friends with a boy from a troubled home.And speaking of troubled home, divorce rumors have been circulating Justin and Jessica since almost immediately after getting married. They’re constantly in the tabloids, as most super famous couples are. And when things start to get too intense with the media, they know how to handle it. Usually when the rumors get bad enough, one of them eventually responds with a sweet message or a cute photo of the two of them together, ensuring us that there is no trouble in paradise after all.But this time, Justin gave us all a response that tells us he knows that he messed up big time. Sources are saying that Justin feels guilty about what he did on that balcony with his costar.It all started this past weekend in New Orleans, near where Justin and 30-year-old actress Alisha Wainwright are filming “Palmer”. Well, on their off time, they decided to go hang out on the world famous Bourbon Street, more specifically, at a bar called “The Absinthe House”.Just from the name alone, you can tell nothing good ever happens at The Absinthe House. Some fan, or maybe mortal enemy, of Justin snapped a few photos from another balcony. And you can see in the photos, which were originally published by The Sun, Alisha puts her hand on the inside of Justin’s thigh – a position that screams that these two are way too comfy together.If that wasn’t enough, in another photo, the co-stars even hold hands. Bystanders told The Sun, “At one stage he grabbed her hand and rested it on his knee. She then gently started stroking his leg. Then he clutched her hand with both of his and was playing with her hands.” It help if they weren’t on a balcony in the middle of the busiest street in the entire state of Louisiana! In the photos that corroborate these claims, two things are clearly evident. One, there’s a looooot of empty glasses in front of Justin. And two, he’s not wearing his wedding ring.Of course, at first, representatives for Alisha told media outlets that this was nothing more than just casual drinks between friends.Alisha’s rep told Entertainment Tonight: “There is no validity to the speculation”.And several sources who were at the bar,came forward to say that their exchange was completely innocent and harmless. “It’s a balcony with a group of people and it was definitely nothing happening,” one person said, “The video may look a way, but literally it was nothing. It was some friends, members of the team, crew and people like that. They all know each other and were hanging. Like come on, they’re on an open balcony in New Orleans and he’s famous. It was nothing.”Other people defending him said that these photos were from a scene in the movie, where the two play love interests. But that’s been debunked. They weren’t filming during this time, and there were no cameras present besides the one that took the damning evidential photos.And another person went as far to say that Justin and Alisha are quote, “like brother and sister”, and that the touching meant nothing.But I’ll just say that I’VE never touched my brother or sister on the thigh like that! And now all those sources that said that this was just an innocent exchange between friends are seeming to step back on their initial statements, because Justin reportedly feels guilty about what he did on that balcony with his costar.A source said that Justin and Jessica are “downplaying everything and trying to laugh it off as nothing,” but also know that “it was definitely inappropriate and something that would make any wife uncomfortable”. They continued to say “he had too much to drink and got carried away”.Call me old fashioned, but just because you’re drunk doesn’t mean you get a free pass for flirting with someone who’s not your wife.But apparently Justin and Jessica are already ready to move on. Another insider claimed that they are “going to move on from this”, and that “their marriage will survive”. They continued, saying “He feels guilty and will make it up to her.

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