Tuesday, March 4

Kendall Jenner FaceTimes With A ‘Harry’ And Fans Are FREAKING OUT It’s Harry Styles!

Kendall Jenner FaceTimes With A 'Harry' And Fans Are FREAKING OUT It's Harry Styles!

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You’ve heard the rumors. And now, you can hear the audio for yourself. Was Kendall Jenner FaceTiming with ex-beau Harry Styles in Kylie’s latest vlog???

What’s up y’all it’s Emile Ennis Jr. with Clevver News and if you’re someone who ships Kendall Jenner and Harry Styles, there’s some possible new evidence that the two are closer than they want us to believe.

In a new video uploaded by sister Kylie, called “Kylie Jenner: A Day in the Life” you can see the Jenners sitting down for a little morning brainstorm sesh at Kylie’s business headquarters.
Broll from video Kylie walking into meeting –

And look at how happy Kendall looks! I wonder what she’s up to on that phone
Freeze frame on video – show Kendall’s smile

Now for the audio we’ve all been waiting for…

Ahhh so it LOOKS like she’s facetiming someone, coincidentally named Harry. Is it THE Harry Styles…. We are not saying it is, but we are not saying that it isn’t.

AND the internet had a lot to say about it.

One person wrote,
“Am I clowning or is that harry on facetime with Kendall..Kylie goes “hi harry” and the voice saying hi back sounds like him”

This Harry Styles stan account said, “Aight I was watching Kylie’s vlog and kendall’s facetiming Harry?”

And this person who CLEARLY does NOT want Kendall and Harry Styles back together tweeted: “y’all i was just watching kylie’s vlog and then she said “hi harry” bc kendall was fting someone and i’m really f*****g praying it’s harry hudson.”

Harry Hudson is also a singer/songwriter, but is a friend of Kylie and Kendall’s.

So why does the Internet think the model and singer are back together?

Well, there’s really not a whole lot of evidence besides the two looking cute A F together.

I mean, look at them here at the MET gala! I haven’t seen Kendall smile like that since, well
But another likely possibility? Kendall could have been facetiming family friend and fashion designer Harry Hudson.

THIS Harry is the one who was bffs with Kylie and later became a rumored boyfriend of older sister Kourtney after her breakup with Younes.

And I’m not sure when this video was actually recorded, but Harry Hudson’s birthday was June 3, the same day that the video was uploaded.

So it could have been a simple birthday shout out, or maybe a teaser of an upcoming romance in the new season of Keeping Up….. but the jury is still out on that.

What do you guys think? Which Harry do you think Kendall was Facetiming? Would you ship Harry Styles and Kendall as a couple a second time around, and what would their couple SHIP name be? Let me know in the comments below.

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