Monday, March 10

Khloe K EXPOSES Ex- Tristan Thompson For Their Alleged Affair!

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When someone’s Instagram story starts with the phrase “my truth is”, you KNOW you’re about to get a load of drama. And that’s exactly what happened with Khloe Kardashian

What’s up guys, I’m Emile Ennis Jr. with Clevver News. Khloe took a break from her regular scheduled programming of inspirational Tumblr quotes and Kylie cosmetics spon-con to post this 3 part Instagram story late last night.

There’s been additional drama in the whole Khloe/Tristan cheating scandal… and luckily for Jordyn Woods it does NOT involve her this time around!

Khloe is going on the defense saying she was never the quote-un-quote “Other Woman” while Tristan was with his first baby mama!

Khloe says that when she started dating Tristan, he convinced her that his relationship with former girlfriend Jordan Craig was over. Like, really convinced her. With physical proof and actual lawyers.

Um, if you need a lawyer to make sure someone is single … that’s a red flag!

The end of the first part says “even his mother told me him and his ex were broken up before we met”.

One person commented “Khloe Kardashian ask everybody about Tristan except the ONE person who would actually tell her the truth. [His] baby mama.”

This is all coming up because of legal allegations that Tristan had cheated on Jordan Craig, while she was pregnant, with Khloe. Jordan claims this caused serious pregnancy complications while she was carrying her and Tristan’s son, Prince.

The allegations were made in court by Craig in November 2018 BUT Khloe is choosing to comment on them now because they were just recently made public by Radar Online.

In the legal documents, Jordan Craig says that she was having complications during her pregnancy because of the stress of Tristan’s high-profile and public affair with Khloe.
“This brought an enormous amount of negative, unwanted attention and stress into my life, and more critically, into my pregnancy”, she says.
So now Khloe is saying that no, she had no idea that Tristan was cheating in 2016, and yes, she is sorry that Tristan and his inner circle lied to her.


And a lot of people felt for her. One person said “With Tristan Thompson being the liar and cheat that he is, maybe consider that he lied to her as well as his ex”
But a lot of people also thought it was time for Khloe to take a little more responsibility. Like this person:

“Khloe Kardashian is only apologizing to Jordan Craig over 3 years later because Tristan did the same sh*t to her and now she knows how it feels”

But no matter how everyone feels about Khloe, there’s pretty much a consensus on Tristan.

So now I want to hear from you guys. Do you think Khloe is completely innocent here? If you were her, what would you have done when he told you to go see his lawyers?? Let me know in the comments below.

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