Sunday, March 30

Kim K Gets Severe BACKLASH Over Shapewear and Changes Its Name!

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It’s officially the off season for “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”, but drama never takes a break!

What’s up guys it’s Sinead deVries and Kim Kardashian is backtracking on her decision to name her new line of shapewear after a traditional Japanese garment.

The shapewear formerly known as ‘Kimono’, yes that is K-I-M ono, drew MAJOR backlash from people saying that Kim was appropriating Japanese culture by choosing the name

Japanese kimonos span back for thousands of years and represent the traditions of Japanese culture

Kim didn’t only want to use the name, she wanted to trademark it. As well as phrases related to the name, like “kimono world”.

And at first, Kim was refusing to budge.

In a statement to the New York Times, Kim said “I understand and have deep respect for the significance of the kimono in Japanese culture”.

She also said that her choice of name was a “nod to the beauty and detail that goes into a garment”.

So what changed her mind?

Well, maybe it was the flood of people flocking to use the very clever hashtag Kim-Oh-No

Like this person, who said “Kim Kardashian is trying to register a trademark using the word kimono. If it passes, kimono culture will be seriously damaged. Because kimono is not underwear, it is a valuable dress.

Or this person, “I don’t want to explain to my future kids what the difference is with Japanese kimonos and Kim’s Kimono.

But if the hashtag wasn’t enough, maybe it was the personal written letter from the mayor of Kyoto, Japan himself.

In his letter addressed to Ms. Kim Kardashian West, the mayor says, “I am writing this letter to convey our thoughts on Kimono and ask you to reconsider your decision of using the name Kimono in your trademark

He also invites Kim to visit Kyoto to learn more about Kimono culture.

Which very well might be a storyline on the next season of Keeping Up.

But the straw that broke the camel’s back might have been this Change dot org petition urging Kim to change the name.

It currently has over 128 thousand signatures.

Since then, Kim has come to Twitter to post a three part explanation to why she finally decided to change the name of her shapewear line

“I am always listening, learning and growing…when I announced the name of my shapewear line, I did so with the best intentions in mind”

“my brands and products are built with inclusivity and diversity at their core, and after careful thought and consideration, I will be launching my solutionwear brand under a new name.”

So, no word on what that new name is going to be yet, but we’ll see soon enough I guess.

In the meantime, what do you think about the situation? Any pitches on what she should name her line? Let me know in the comments below. Then click the subscribe button and ding that bell so we can keep you updated on all of today’s top stories. After that click right up here for another entertainment news video!

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