Tuesday, March 4

Kim Kardashian Makes Fun Of Kylie’s Face Wash Video And Lip Fillers!

Kim Kardashian Makes Fun Of Kylie's Face Wash Video And Lip Fillers!

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Kim Kardashian is coming to little sister Kylie Jenner’s defense after being slammed for her face-washing regimen, but she’s also throwing in a little roast of her own because what are sisters for?

What’s up guys, it’s your host Sussan Mourad back here on Clevver News, and it’s all fun and games when Kim Kardashian hijacks your phone… until she sides with the Internet and gets in on the roasts. That’s exactly what went down this weekend when Kim decided to have a little fun trolling Kylie Jenner following her face-washing conundrum AKA #TowelGate2019.

After Kylie was blasted by fans earlier last week for using her Kylie Skin line to wash her face in a record-breaking 10 seconds AND with a heap of foundation still on, Kim took it upon herself to get in on the Internet fun. While in the Kylie Skin showroom over the weekend, Kim recorded a series of Snapchat stories using the giant lip filter, and things escalated quickly.

Ok so she poked a little fun at Kylie’s infamous big lips, but hey, if those bad boys made me a billion-dollar empire, I’d let you say whatever the heck you want about them. But Kim didn’t cease to let her own lips do even more roasting. She then went on to address Ky’s face-washing routine that led fans to call her a scam, and it actually resulted in some pretty solid comedy.

Roast Kylie allllll you want Kim; she’ll still be laughing all the way to the bank. But as the stories continue on, Kim concluded her tour through the Kylie Skin showroom while explaining a step that Kylie missed in her nightly routine… The step that could’ve potentially avoided the whole makeup-covered-washcloth situation that fans had no problem pointing out.

Ahhhh, now this all makes sense! All this lawyer studying seems to really be paying off for Kim because she might’ve just won the case of #TowelGate2019.

And now that you’ve been blessed with your daily dose of KarJenner komedy, yes that is KOMEDY with a K.

So right now I’m gonna turn it over to you guys — what did you think about Kim’s epic roast and are you still skeptical about Kylie’s skin routine? Share all your thoughts down here in the comments below.
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Sousan Mourad dressed by: Alice McCall

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