Tuesday, March 4

Kim Kardashian OUTRAGES Fans With ‘Nude’ Facemask!

Kim Kardashian OUTRAGES Fans With 'Nude' Facemask!

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#KimKardashianWest #Skims #FaceMasks

Kim Kardashian’s newest Skims accessory just so happens to be social-distance-approved, but fans aren’t exactly giving them the seal of approval after dragging Kim for cultural appropriation, yet again. Anyone remember “KIMONOs??”

We’re all aware of Kim’s successful shapewear line Skims, and how it focuses on body positivity, while promoting shapewear and underwear for women of all shapes and sizes.

Over the weekend, the brand jumped on the “trendy mask” profit train and dropped a new line of nonmedical masks in five different shades.

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