Friday, March 7

King Charles met with boos ahead of Scotland coronation

King Charles met with boos ahead of Scotland coronation

Audible chants of “Not my King” could be heard from a sizeable crowd of protesters attending the event.

Polls suggest the monarchy is less popular in Scotland than in the rest of the United Kingdom.

Charles and Camilla were crowned in London’s Westminster Abbey in May in front of about 100 world leaders in Britain’s biggest ceremonial event for seven decades.

The 74-year-old succeeded his mother as monarch of the United Kingdom and 14 other realms when Queen Elizabeth died in September 2022.

But in a nod to the historical fact that England and Scotland had different monarchs until the crowns were united in 1603, there are separate Scottish celebrations to herald his coronation on Wednesday (July 5).

#kingcharles #scotland #coronation

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