Monday, March 10

LEAKED UFO DOCUMENTS prove Pentagon UFO program real and Luis Elizondo is telling the truth

Special Report | The Basement Office | LEAKED UFO DOCUMENTS prove Pentagon AATIP UFO program real

A bombshell report in Popular Mechanics appears to confirm true something the Pentagon has recently tried to say is false: That they did have a secret UFO program, that they still do have a secret UFO program, and that the man who claimed he had a senior role within that UFO program has been telling the truth.

A quick timeline of the basics:

December 2017: The New York Times reveals, for the first time, that the Pentagon had a secret UFO program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program or AATIP. They also reported that a man named Luis Elizondo was the director of this program within the Department of Defense.

Luis Elizondo teams up with Tom Delonge and the History Channel to produce a TV series called “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation”

May 2019: Pentagon spokesman Chris Sherwood confirmed to me that AATIP did in fact “research and investigate unidentified aerial phenomena.”

BUT added: Luis Elizondo “had no responsibilities with regards to the AATIP program”.

Ok, so… Pentagon says “Yes we researched UFOs, but Luis Elizondo had nothing to do with it.

December 2019: Spokeswoman Susan Gough, in a statement to John Greenewald at The Black Vault, walks back the Pentagon’s previous statement to the Post. The Pentagon now says AATIP had NOTHING to do with UFOs and that their previous statement was wrong. They also re-emphasized that Luis Elizondo “no assigned responsibilities” with regards to AATIP.

Notice they added the word “assigned” to their statement this time. Before it was “he had no responsibilities” and now it’s “he had no assigned responsibilities”.

Confusing, right?

Well, Tim McMillan at Popular Mechanics appears to have gotten the smoking gun that clears this all up.

I spoke with him earlier, here are some highlights from my conversation.

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