Tuesday, March 18

Logan Paul Wants Relationship With Kendall Jenner!

Logan Paul Wants Relationship With Kendall Jenner!

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Logan Paul just revealed he’s ready for a “high-profile relationship” and Kendall Jenner is his newest victim. Brace yourselves, guys.

What’s up guys, it’s Sussan Mourad back here on Clevver News, and I know what you’re thinking. But I still have to talk about this. When they say “shoot for the stars,” in this situation, perhaps that’s not exactly to be taken literally…

Maybe it’s because Kenny went blonde, maybe it’s because he saw his little bro tie the knot, orrr maybe he just needs a new challenge in life, IDK but Logan Paul just admitted he wants a “high-profile relationship” with none other than Kendall Jenner, which, 1. Ok, who doesn’t? And 2. I meannnn…. Dream big, right?

So this all went down on Kim Kardashian’s best friend Jonathan Cheban AKA Food God’s podcast, conveniently named FoodGod: OMFG.

The two were chatting away when Logan cut straight to the chase and asked Jonathan, “Do I have a chance with Kendall Jenner?”

First off, mad props to Logan for shooting his shot, and for doing so directly to the first string hookup to the Kardashian clan. But by being such a close “in” to the basically-reality TV royal family, Jonathan told it like it was.

He quickly replied, “Mmmmm, I don’t think so.” Welp, at least we can all rest peacefully tonight knowing that Logan will not be inducted into the Kardashian clan any time soon.

Jonathan being the kind soul that he is, let Logan down rather easy, by then explaining why he responded the way he did.

He said QUOTE, “You know why? I think you’re too out there and Kendall is very low-key with the people she dates and they’re low-key. If you did date Kendall, the next day you would skydive off the Empire State Building. That wouldn’t work for her.”

But if there’s anyone who refuses to back down from a little challenge, that would be Logan. He then attempted to save face by telling Jonathan, “When you meet me in real life, I’m not the person you see on the internet… as disappointing as that is. Maybe if I get her in a conversation, we’ll see what happens,” later adding, “I’m just ready for the high-profile relationship.”

According to Logan, he just takes a little warming up to get used to. He explained, “I have this thing, every girl I end up dating, is like a couple of things. They hate me first.”

Ahhhh, therein lies the issue! But as for Kendall, it’s not like we really need to explain her situation here because she basically keeps it about as low-profile as you could get for a high-profile public figure.

Pluuuuus she’s seems more into the basketball type rather than the makeshift MMA-fighting-in-your-living-room type.

In the past, Kendall has been linked to athletes like Blake Griffin, Ben Simmons, even ASAP Rocky and her bestie’s brother Anwar Hadid.

Logan’s last relationship was with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. star Chloe Bennett, but the two reportedly split in October of last year, so maybe he really is ready to settle down?

As to what the people of Twitter think about Logan’s burning desire to be in a high profile relationship with Kendall Jenner? Well let’s just say, the reactions aren’t exactly mixed.

Replying to a Cosmo article headline on the story, this person shared this gif to sum up their feelings.

While this user said “ready for a high profile relationship” roughly translates to “my fame is dying and I need more attention”

Ouch. As well as this person who was seriously triggered by this news who said “don’t do it for the love of god and your career why date a DBag”

In anycase, back to the conversation with Jonathan, and despite him telling Logan how it is, it does actually seems like he’s very interested as he kept going with it.

One very important question he asked was, “Is Kendall actually reserved, or has the media just painted her that way?” Jonathan assured Logan that Kendall is basically the equivalent of “what you see is what you get.” He said, “She’s cool. She’s very reserved.”

IDK guys, Can you see Logan and Kendall together? I really want to know your thoughts on this? Do you think Logan has a chance with Kendall? Chat it out in the comments section below?

And ummm do we have a chance with you?? I mean that in terms of joining our clevver fam as a a subscriber…. OK now that the awkwardness is out of the way, hit that subscribe button and click that bell so you never miss an update! I’m Sussan Mourad and I’ll see ya next time.

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