Monday, March 31

Long Island school bus driver caught drinking on job didn’t know White Claw was alcoholic

Long Island school bus driver caught drinking on job didn’t know White Claw was alcoholic

A Long Island school bus driver caught drinking while bringing students home last week will not face charges — because police believe her story that she grabbed a hard seltzer without realizing it was alcoholic.

The 60-year-old driver, Amal Hanna, told News 12 Long Island that she is teetotal because she’s undergoing chemotherapy for cancer — which also leaves her unable to taste if drinks are alcoholic.

She said she grabbed a White Claw from the fridge she shares with a roommate in Hauppauge, thinking she was drinking a regular fruit-flavored seltzer while driving kids home from Smithtown High School West on Wednesday.

“It was just a mistake, it was a mistake,” the newly fired driver said through tears, fearing she could end up homeless from going through chemo without a job.

“For people like me that don’t drink — how are they going to know this is alcohol?” she asked, pointing out how the can only warned it was in small print.


#longisland #bus #accident #whiteclaw

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