Wednesday, March 12

Louisville bank gunman Connor Sturgeon shot former mentor — who played dead to survive | NY Post

Louisville bank shooter Connor Sturgeon shot his former mentor during the senseless rampage, with the woman describing in haunting detail how she played dead to survive.

“I felt him shooting me immediately. I just laid down there,” Dana Mitchell recounted to CBS News.

“I tried not to breathe a lot. I didn’t want to move around. I didn’t want him to see me moving or hear me breathing, because I thought he might shoot me again,” she added.

Sturgeon then walked out of the conference room at Old National Bank as he continued firing off rounds from his newly purchased AR-15 assault rifle, Mitchell said.

The 25-year-old gunman killed five people and wounded eight others, including a rookie cop who was shot in the head, before he was shot dead by police.


#louisville #connorsturgeon #danamitchell

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