Saturday, March 15

LSU graduate assistant banned from teaching over f-bomb-filled voicemail to state senator

LSU graduate assistant banned from teaching over f-bomb-filled voicemail to state senator

A Louisiana State University graduate student has been banned from teaching at the institution due to fallout from an aggressive voicemail in which he tells a state senator that he “can’t wait to read [his] name in the f-ing obituary.”

Marcus Venable, a graduate assistant in the sociology department, was cut off from his teaching assignments this week when the contents of the 50-second diatribe went viral on social media, WAFB reported.

“I just wanted to say ‘congratulations,’ to our State Senator, ‘Big Mike’ Fesi. And that f-ing moron voted to make things worse for people who are already suffering. You fat f-ing piece of sh-t,” Venable said in the voicemail for Sen. Mike Fesi (R-Houma), a recording of which was posted on Twitter Wednesday by conservative self-titled “news breaker” Greg Price.

Venable’s vitriol was reportedly sparked by Fesi voting this week to override Gov. John Bel Edwards’ veto on House Bill 648, which prohibits gender confirmation surgery for minors, WAFB said.


#lsu #marcusvenable #mikefesi

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