Monday, March 17

Ma’Khia Bryant’s TikTok videos show she was just a kid | New York Post

Ma’Khia Bryant’s TikTok videos show she was just a kid | New York Post

TikTok videos posted by the 16-year-old Ohio girl who was killed by police while wielding a knife this week are a heartbreaking reminder that she was just a child, social media users said Thursday.

Ma’Khia Bryant’s lighthearted videos show her performing hair and beauty tutorials sometimes while flashing a peace sign or blowing a kiss.

One of Bryant’s videos — in which she dances to a Bryson Tiller song while doing her haircare routine — had raked in more than 2.6 million views Thursday, with observers calling it tear-jerking.

“I just saw someone post one of Ma’khia’s tiktoks and im feeling so f-cking shaken. I remember being 16. I looked like her, same round cheeks, we had the same hair texture, very similar skin shade, she just gives off an energy that I /know/ I gave off as a kid. She was a KID, man,” one twitter user wrote.

#MaKhiaBryant #TikTok #PoliceShootings

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