Thursday, March 27

Man dragged from Hillary Clinton event after screaming about Bill visiting Jeffrey Epstein’s island

Man dragged from Hillary Clinton event after screaming about Bill visiting Jeffrey Epstein’s island

A man was hauled out of campaign event in Houston after he bombarded Hillary Clinton with questions about her husband Bill Clinton’s trips to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private island.

The ruckus went down Friday while Clinton was in Texas campaigning on behalf of Democrat Mayoral candidate Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.

“Hey, Hillary. Why did your husband visit Epstein Island 26 times?” said the man, later identified as Alex Rosen.

His questions were promptly drowned out by a chorus of boos and chanting from the crowd.

Rosen, 23, was later surrounded by security and physically dragged from the venue.


#hillaryclinton #texas #houston #sheilajacksonlee

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