Monday, March 31

Man living his best life with his pet deer

‘This chucklesome compilation showcases Pennsylvania’s Tristan Kochel having the time of his life with his pet deer.

The filmer has named his pets Lily, Belle, Molly, Luna, Sadie, and Daisy with the former two being prominently shown in the first two parts respectively.

The first part features Tristan dressing up Lily in cute, colorful costumes. He said: “It’s funny that Lily wants to be just like every other deer out there but I dress her up every chance I get.”

The second part revolves around Belle, an adorable deer that rarely gets excited about anything but once it starts snowing, she doesn’t hold back.

The final part of this refreshing collection of clips comprises a dance-off between all of Tristan’s deer. While Belle ends up taking the W, the comments section is filled with people losing it over Sadie’s slick moves.

All in all, Tristan has racked up a Million TikTok followers by sharing his wholesome bond with his pets, with the world.

Name: Tristan Kochel
Location: Pennsylvania, United States’

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