Sunday, March 30

Migrants at packed Roosevelt Hotel bussed to other NYC shelters as dozens more arrive in Midtown

Migrants at packed Roosevelt Hotel bussed to other NYC shelters as dozens more arrive in Midtown

New York City’s new migrant “welcome center” at the former four-star Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan was already slammed Monday with fresh arrivals.

Dozens of migrants were hauled in on buses, including about 20 in a yellow school bus, to be processed. Some were forced to wait on their bus for about a half-hour, apparently till the lines inside died down — while the lucky ones arriving around lunchtime got to eat in the landmark’s crystal-chandelier ballroom, where Guy Lombardo and his band used to famously perform “Auld Lang Syne” on New Year’s Eve.

“I want to stay here, but they are making us wait on the bus, and then they are taking us somewhere else,” said a 23-year-old single man from Venezuela who only gave his first name, Ulysses.

” ‘No,’ I told him, ‘I wanted to stay here,’ ” said the migrant, referring to a city worker at the hotel, which is only housing families.

“They are telling me I’m going somewhere else. I don’t know where. … I came here from Venezuela. We had to walk up across Mexico. It was a long trip, and at the end, I had to jump on ‘The Beast.’


#migrants #nyc #roosevelthotel

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