Thursday, March 13

Miley Cyrus Has A BURNING QUESTION About The JoBros’ Chastity Rings!

Miley Cyrus Has A BURNING QUESTION About The JoBros' Chastity Rings!

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Leave it to Miley Cyrus to ask the Jonas Brothers that one burning question we’ve all been dying to know the answer to for years, and we are ALL ears.

What’s up guys, it’s your host Emile Ennis Jr. back here on Clevver News, and we can’t forget the era of the Jonas Brothers’ purity rings… you know, that time they made “promises to themselves and to God that they’d stay pure until marriage”? Yeah, that era.

But it was only a matter of time a few short years later that Joe confirmed he lost his virginity at age 20, Kevin got married, Nick confirmed he was no longer wearing the ring, and then double-confirmed that by dropping smoking hot bangers like “Jealous” and “Chains” leaving the rest of the world with no more questions and a pile of drool beneath our feet.

But all of our questions were finally answered when the boys sat down for an interview with Capital FM when in came a burning question from fellow ex-Disney Channel cast member (and literal ex-girlfriend) Miley Cyrus, to ask what we’ve all been wondering….

Short, sweet and to the point, I guess? These guys have all three now traded in their purity rings for wedding bands, and they couldn’t seem happier. After Joe and Sophie Turner’s epic elopement in Vegas, he revealed that the two do plan on honeymooning in the coming months following their reported second wedding in France this year. He said QUOTE, “We’ve got plans that we will be hush-hush about. We’ll make time for that!”

ALSO fun little fact… DIPLO actually dropped the ball and leaked Joe and Sophie’s Vegas nuptials by livestreaming it on Instagram!

And for that we thank you!

But right now I’m gonna turn it over to you guys… share all your thoughts on the JoBros’ response to Miley’s question in the comments below.

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