Tuesday, March 11

Miley Cyrus Sparks PREGNANCY Headlines With ‘Mommy, Daddy’ Instagram Post!

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Another day, another pregnancy rumor… and once again, Miley Cyrus is at the center of it all.

Hey everyone it’s Sussan Mourad here for Clevver News and rumors are flying that Miley MAY be pregnant.

She and her new hubby Liam Hemsworth just hit the Met Gala pink carpet as a married couple for the first time this past Monday. She posted a photo of herself and Liam with the caption, “Daddy & Mommy.”

Now this is where it gets a little mixed up in the comments. So if you swipe left on that photo, you’ll see a SECOND picture… which a lot of people thought was Miley and her ACTUAL Mommy, Tish. Like this user who said: “Thought she meant she was pregnant for a second then saw the second picture” which was further echoed in the comments.

So she was referring to Liam as “Daddy” in that first one..

And then the assumption is that it was a false alarm and that she was referring to her mom as mommy. HOWEVER, it actually isn’t her mom in the second picture. LOOK CLOSELY, it’s actress Demi Moore! So, this then asks the question, WHO IS MOMMY?? And was Miley referring to herself and giving us all a hint that she’s pregnant??

This isn’t the first time rumors circulated about Miley being pregnant. Back in January, Miley shut rumors down in a tweet. It was around the time that weird photo of an egg was going viral on Instagram… you know, the one that surpassed Kylie Jenner’s first photo of Stormi in likes, making it the MOST liked photo on Instagram.

Miley tweeted “I’m not “Egg-expecting” but its “Egg-celent” to hear everyone is so “Happy For Us”… we’re happy for us too! “Egg-cited” for the next chapter in our lives…. Now, can everyone leave me alone and go back to staring at an egg?”

Liam also recently talked with GQ about having a family with Miley. He said although they’re hoping to have some kids one day… he’s going to have to wait for his current furry family to shrink down a bit.

Liam told GQ: “Once we don’t have so many dogs. You couldn’t bring a baby into our house right now. But one day, we’ll know when it’s right. But right now? Not for the time being.”

When he was asked how many kids he’d want, he rattled off numbers like “10..15.. maybe 20.”

I’m all for Miley and Liam having babies but…. TWENTY?!

So what do you guys think of the pregnancy rumors? Do you think Miley’s being elusive about having a bun in the oven, or does everyone just need to chill on this?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! Then you can find me on my socials @Sussan_Mourad. After that, click right over here for another new video and as always, be sure to subscribe to our channels and click that bell so you never miss an update. Thanks for hanging with me, I’ll see you later.

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