Monday, March 17

Mom of student removed from class for Gadsden flag patch says school violated 1st Amendment rights

The mother of a Colorado middle schooler who was reportedly kicked out of class for displaying several patches on his backpack, including one of a Gadsden flag, claims that his First Amendment rights were violated.

The 12-year-old Vanguard School student, Jaiden Rodriguez, was ordered to remove the flag — which features a coiled rattlesnake and the phrase “Don’t tread on me” – before he was allowed back inside.

“I do want him to stand up for his rights, too, and I don’t want to say, ‘No, you bow down to the government,’”Jaiden’s mom Eden Rodriguez told News5.

“It’s been a tough call to just let him do what he wants and say he’s at that age to make his own decisions.”

By making him miss three days of school over his patches, the charter school violated the seventh-grader’s First Amendment right, his mom said.


#colorado #gadsdenflag #jaidenrodriguez

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