Tuesday, March 11

Monkey risks life to rescue her baby stranded on power lines


This is the dramatic moment a monkey in India risked her life to rescue her baby which was balancing precariously on powerlines.

Footage shows the female monkey watching anxiously from the roof of a building in a village in Rajasthan as her baby struggles to maintain its balance on the powerline.

Other members of the troop come to watch the perilous situation of the young simian but none plucks up the courage to attempt a rescue.

Eventually, mum leaps onto the powerlines but struggles to keep her own balance and is forced to jump back to the building leaving her offspring on the wires.

But she’s not done yet. She tries again and this time keeps her footing on the cables, scoops up her baby in her arms and leaps back to the safety of the roof.

The footage was filmed in the Gara village in Banswara district on May 14th.

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