Monday, March 31

Murder victim ‘forced to dig her own grave’ before being shot and buried on beach | New York Post

A woman was allegedly forced to dig her own grave on a beach before being gunned down and buried.

Amanda Albach, 21, was dug up by cops after her killer reportedly confessed to murdering her after he was accused of dealing drugs.

Albach was found buried on the beach of Irapiruba Norte de Laguna, in the southern Brazilian state of Santa Catarina, on Friday.

The day before, two men and a woman had been arrested and one of the suspects had revealed to the police where the body was buried.

The suspect also reportedly confessed to them having killed the victim with two gunshots after having forced her to dig her own grave in the killing that took place on Nov. 15.

Albach was last seen the day before when she attended a party in the nearby city of Florianopolis.

Police chief Bruno Fernandes, from the Criminal Investigation Division, said the young woman, who lived in Fazenda Rio Grande, in the metropolitan region of Curitiba, had traveled to Santa Catarina with a couple of friends to attend a friend’s birthday party.

#Murder #Victims #Death

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