Monday, March 17

Naked ‘Wolf Man’ spotted by hikers in German mountains: ‘He wouldn’t take his eyes off us’

Hikers captured a bone-chilling photo of a mysterious naked “wolf man,” who officials believe has lived in the wild for at least 5 years, as they traveled through Germany’s Harz Mountains on Tuesday.

Gina Weiss and her friend Tobi encountered the unkempt figure who sat on a rock and seemingly carried a spear in the heart of the wildness, telling German newspaper Bild that the figure “wouldn’t take his eyes (off) us.”

Weiss, 31, said the chance encounter with the unknown mountain man lasted about 10 minutes as she explored the woods near Blankenburg, about 150 miles outside of Berlin.

“When we reached the sand caves we saw the wolf man,” Weiss told the outlet. “He stood up high on one of the caves and held a long wooden stick like a lance in his arm.”


#germany #mountainman #weirdbuttrue

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