Friday, March 28

NBC News staffers concerned MSNBC’s Psaki hire could taint reputation | New York Post

NBC News staffers are reportedly upset by the network’s decision to hire White House secretary Jen Psaki for MSNBC — fearing her appointment could tarnish the brand.

Disgruntled DC bureau workers complained to their bosses that the high-profile hire could taint their credibility, CNN reported.

The concern forced the Peacock network’s president, Noah Oppenheim, to make an impromptu phone call to the worried bureau Friday, distancing NBC News from MSNBC.

Oppenheim, who does not oversee MSNBC, assured the team that NBC News did not play a role in Psaki’s appointment, the outlet said.

“Here’s what he was saying: They have perspective programming. This was done on the perspective programming side. Not anything that reflects on NBC News,” one of the staffers who was on the call told CNN.

#NBCNews #MSNBC #JenPsaki

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